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Category: UNICON News

Thought Leadership
12 Foundations of Values-based Leadership for Sustainability From The 2022 UNICON Team Development Conference

12 Foundations of Values-based Leadership for Sustainability From The 2022 UNICON Team Development Conference

Based on a talk by Daniel Skarlicki, Edgar F. Kaiser Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the University of British Columbia’s Sauder School of Business "For leaders in executive education, aligning our work with personal values

New UNICON Community of Practice Forming

New UNICON Community of Practice Forming

Salesforce and other CRM Systems Following some table discussions at the Team Development Conference in Vancouver, it was clear that several Schools are implementing or transitioning to Salesforce Education Data Architecture as their CRM of

UNICON-Sponsored Research: Partnering Effectively With Intermediaries In The Executive Education Market – Tom Ryan

UNICON-Sponsored Research: Partnering Effectively With Intermediaries In The Executive Education Market – Tom Ryan

UNICON sponsored this research initiative that was conducted by Tom Ryan, as part of a series addressing the topic of business model innovation in non-degree executive education. We aim to investigate ways in which university-based

UNICON Board Presents Awards For 2022

UNICON Board Presents Awards For 2022

Several awards were presented at the gala dinner on Wednesday evening, November 30 as the UNICON board showed its deep appreciation for schools hosting recent conferences. Hosting Awards were presented to Cornell University, host of

emlyon business school Joins the UNICON Consortium

emlyon business school Joins the UNICON Consortium

At the November UNICON board meeting in Vancouver, the UNICON board approved Associate membership for emlyon business school. Founded in 1872 by the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Lyon, France, emlyon business school has

Conference Highlights
Ten Pieces of Motivation and Inspiration From The UNICON Team Development Conference

Ten Pieces of Motivation and Inspiration From The UNICON Team Development Conference

Motivation and Inspiration from UNICON’s Team Development Conference 2022 – from IEDP Many of us were privileged to gather in person for this year’s UNICON Team Development Conference in Vancouver, hosted brilliantly by the team

Event News
UNICON Coffee Break Groups Still Going Strong

UNICON Coffee Break Groups Still Going Strong

Consider joining a quarterly conference call with peers from other schools with similar job responsibilities UNICON “coffee breaks” bring people together to discuss shared challenges, strategies and solutions. And, it's a great way to network! UNICON facilitates these

Thought Leadership
Leadership Academy Completes Important Segment

Leadership Academy Completes Important Segment

  Before the Team Development Conference in Vancouver, the seventh cohort of the Leadership Academy attended an all-day session on "Creating a Value Proposition and a Business Model." The session was led by Mónica Sacristán

UPDATE: UNICON Technology Disruptor Working Group

UPDATE: UNICON Technology Disruptor Working Group

In October of 2021 a working group was formed following the Annual Workshop that July hosted by St. Gallen. The group was formed in response to an initiative by UNICON board chair Markus Frank, for

A Message from the New UNICON Executive Director Melanie Weaver Barnett

A Message from the New UNICON Executive Director Melanie Weaver Barnett

Dear UNICON Membership Community, I walked into my first UNICON conference 23 years ago, brand new to executive education, wondering what this UNICON thing was all about. By the time I left three days later,

UNICON Welcomes Two New Board Members for 2022-2023

UNICON Welcomes Two New Board Members for 2022-2023

UNICON announced the results of the board election and appointment process for fiscal year 2021-2022 Serge Lafrance, Associate Professor and Director of Executive Education, HEC Montréal, won the board election held last month and will

Bill Scheurer: Thank you, UNICON!

Bill Scheurer: Thank you, UNICON!

  Over the past 35 years I’ve been associated with UNICON, first as the head of executive education at the University of Minnesota and serving as UNICON’s Executive Director. I have a lot to be