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Welcome to the Future

There are widely varying opinions on the changing landscape of higher education, but many point to opportunity for executive education providers who are ready.


Glenn Llopis, Contributor
September 14, 2022
Also available for listening 8 mins

“The Future Of Higher Education: What It Means For Students And Educators”

How do we prepare students and workers to do jobs that don’t even exist yet?
For challenges we can’t even imagine yet?
To compete in industries and with business models that haven’t even been invented yet?

Higher education is facing one of its biggest periods of unknowns in recent memory. There’s not a single person or aspect of education that hasn’t been utterly shaken by the pandemic.



Inside Higher Education

Ray Schroeder
September 21, 2022

“Imagine We Are Starting a University Now”

Higher education is notoriously slow to change, unable to keep up with society. Let’s imagine together that instead we were responsive to the changes in society.

In so very many ways, we in higher education have fallen behind business, industry, governments and society as a whole. We are offering programs and products that may have been relevant 50 or a hundred years ago but are not in touch with the society of the fourth industrial revolution. Learners currently are given few forward-thinking, innovative, engaging and relevant opportunities.

Imagine for a moment that we are creating a university anew in 2022. What would we change? What would we retain? How would it differ from what students, faculty and staff currently experience?



Here are a few additional articles addressing the same theme that have appeared on the UNICON website or in industry news recently.

Harvard Business School Working Knowledge

Dina Gerdeman
August 15,  2022

“University of the Future: Finding the Next World Leaders in Higher Ed”

“Which universities will step into the void as American colleges decline? In the book Empires of Ideas, William Kirby explores how the history of higher education in the US, China, and Germany might shape its future.

Here are five excerpts from the book, based largely on Kirby’s case studies of several universities from Boston and Beijing to Berlin and Berkeley.”



Gartner Peer Insights

“What is OPM in Higher Education?”

Online program management (OPM) providers are a growing segment of service providers that work with colleges and universities globally to take new academic programs online. OPM providers offer a suite of services either as a package or on a fee-for-service basis.

Products In Online Program Management in Higher Education Market.

More [Download with sign-up]


Keystone Education Group

Elise Hodge
October 19, 2020

“How do OPMs work? Online program management explained”

As universities look toward the future, they now have the opportunity to reflect on what worked and what didn’t work, reevaluate their program delivery, and improve the student experience through online learning.




“Five Forces Driving the Future of Business Education”

Changes in higher education and shifts in learner demographics require business schools to revisit their strategic priorities, evaluate risk, and identify opportunities for innovation.

In this AACSB Insights report, five forces that are driving the future of business education are identified.

Introduction and Download



“The Future of UNICON – the Next Fifty Years”

One of the most prescient predictions we came across while writing this piece dates from a time when UNICON was barely conceived.

It was made by Alvin Toffler in the 1970 epic work of futurology, Future Shock: “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

As the 21st century enters its golden years, and UNICON celebrates its glorious centenary, what might our successors’ successors predict for the 22nd century? Answers on a postcard (or transcranial neural memory implant) please!”

Introduction and Download