UNICON Welcomes Three New Board Members

Serge Lafrance, HEC Montréal, won the board election held last month.
Serge Lafrance is Director of Executive Education and Associate Professor at HEC Montréal, a leading business school with triple accreditation (EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB). He is also co-chair of the UNICON benchmarking committee.
In addition to his academic career, he has held senior management positions in consulting, marketing and market intelligence for over 25 years.
Jane Crombleholme, Alliance Manchester Business School, will serve as the board appointment.
Jane has served on the UNICON Membership Committee since the School was admitted as an associate member in 2011. She became off-board co-chair of the committee in 2012 and she leads UNICON’s outreach activity to potential members.
She has sat on panels at UNICON conferences and she, and her team, support UNICON activities including sponsoring attendance at the first UNICON leadership programme.
Prior to joining Alliance MBS, Jane was the business manager for a healthcare institute and Head of Learning and Development for a healthcare provider.
Both will join the board in July for six-year terms.
Additionally, Lisa Hughes Harvard Business School, was appointed to a two-year term to fill Marina Karban’s seat.
Lisa’s commitment to inspiring and sustaining curiosity, courage and clarity of purpose in leaders has marked all of her 33 year career, but in particular the last 22 years at Harvard Business School. Since 2007, Lisa has thrived in the role of Portfolio Director, having led over 300 program iterations, but in particular, she prizes her tenure since 2014 as the Director for the Program for Leadership Development, which is Harvard Business School’s alternative to an EMBA, and is a program she helped to design in her early years at HBS.
Her career as a global executive includes strong business development, relationship management, and product innovation experience.