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Antitrust/Competition Policy: Reminder

As a global consortium of business-school-based executive education organizations which includes competitors, UNICON established an Antitrust/Competition Policy. We remind our members of the policy at the start of UNICON events, and are doing so again here.

Antitrust/Competition law describes a variety of laws aimed at preserving fair, honest, and vigorous competition in the marketplace. It is based upon the theory that such competition ultimately leads to lower prices, increased supply, and continued improvements in goods and services, thereby ultimately benefiting the customer.

Therefore, antitrust/competition laws, for example:

• prohibit agreements between competitors to fix prices
• prohibit competitors from sharing information relating to pricing or compensation
• limit monopolies.

Antitrust/competition laws can be violated without the intent to do so through certain kinds of behaviors. It is important to remember that any conversation that could lead to reducing competition is not allowed under anti-trust regulation. Violations of these laws carry serious consequences – both financial and reputational.

UNICON believes that vigorous competition is essential for driving innovation, improvements, and efficiencies in all industries, including the executive education field. We believe that the services UNICON provides to Members foster that competition.

The UNICON Antitrust/Competition Policy is designed to support that vigorous competition, and to avoid anti-competitive behavior within the executive education field. Because UNICON is incorporated in the United States of America, the policy was drafted to ensure compliance with United States antitrust law. It is essential that UNICON and its members follow the principles and practices of the Antitrust/Competition Policy.

The UNICON Policy Guide contains UNICON’s complete Antitrust/Competition Policy.A download of our policies is available here.