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UNICON Research Report: “The Metaverse and Executive Education”

UNICON Research –

“The Metaverse and Executive Education:

Horseless Carriage or Automobile?”

UNICON sponsored this research initiative to help UNICON members learn more about ‘metaverse’ technologies, and ways in which these technologies are already being used in executive education.

Conducted by Mukul Pandya and Gregory Shea, the report draws extensively on conversations with executive education leaders who have studied or used advanced technologies to address the question of where business schools may seek and deliver value “in the metaverse.”

Download the Report in .pdf Format

The interpretations and perspectives expressed in this report are those of the researchers, who bring considerable experience in business and executive education.
Mukul Pandya was the founding editor of Knowledge@Wharton, and Gregory Shea is an Adjunct Professor at Wharton and the co-author of “Leading Successful Change” (with Cassie A. Solomon).

All research reports can be found under “Research” in the navigation bar of the UNICON public site: https://uniconexed.org/research/