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ROI on Executive Education

Revisiting the Past and Looking to the Future

Pat Cataldo, Bob Stilliard, and Peter Topping

UNICON Research Report
November 16, 2018

UNICON sponsored this research initiative that was conducted by Pat Cataldo, Bob Stilliard, and Peter Topping.

There has been continued interest within the executive education community, both university-based business schools and their clients, on the topic of evaluation and Return on Investment (ROI) from executive education programs. As a result, in 2005 two UNICON research reports addressed the subject from different perspectives. This 2018 report identifies how the landscape of executive education and the views of ROI have changed over the last thirteen years since those reports were published.

The result is extensive, updated research on the topic of evaluation and Return on Investment (ROI) for executive education investments. It provides new members to the industry a good background on the ROI of executive education investments topic. For more experienced sponsors, clients, and university providers, it enhances their information and understanding of recent developments.

YouTube Link to Webinar on This Report by Pat Cataldo, Bob Stilliard and Moderator Shalini Bhatia, April 30, 2019