UNICON-Sponsored Research: Partnering Effectively With Intermediaries In The Executive Education Market – Tom Ryan

UNICON sponsored this research initiative that was conducted by Tom Ryan, as part of a series addressing the topic of business model innovation in non-degree executive education. We aim to investigate ways in which university-based executive education can continue to operate in an ever-changing and evolving field, including understanding how to collaborate effectively with new types of organizations for the benefit of customers.

The interpretations and perspectives expressed in this report are those of the researcher, who is deeply familiar with the executive education field. This paper may be viewed as a complement to Ryan’s 2021 and 2022 papers for UNICON, “What Are the Jobs to Be Done in The Future Of Executive Education” and “Intermediation and Disintermediation in the Executive Education Market: Competing and Collaborating as a Response.” Together these three papers can provide a useful basis for a school wishing to review its business model and evaluate its options for development and delivery of executive education.

About Tom Ryan

Tom Ryan is an experienced management educator who has worked with a number of business schools in a variety of roles including delivery, sales, executive management and consulting. He now works with senior leadership at knowledge-based people organisations to deliver strategic and financial results.

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UNICON – Partnering with intermediaries V2-Final-01-05-2023