The University of Chicago

Booth School of Business


Chicago, Illinois, USA

Accelerate our discovery of the next set of pathbreaking ideas in business and to produce leaders who will implement these ideas and transform the world.

Inquiry. Insight. Impact.

Three words that describe the power and outcomes of a distinctive way of learning, analyzing, and interacting.

The way we generate, refine, and apply ideas sets Chicago Booth apart from other business schools and distinguishes our students for the entirety of their professional lives. Our educational philosophy is rooted in the belief that transformational insights start with rigorous inquiry and a fundamentals-based understanding of how organizations function, how markets work, and how people make decisions.

  • Rigorous Inquiry
    Our executive participants learn to question and evaluate problems and opportunities through foundational disciplines.
  • Cogent Insight At Booth, empirical evidence (real-world data) and analysis are paramount. A diverse array of analytical and behavioral frameworks gives participants the ability to visualize compelling new business solutions.
  • Enduring Impact We believe that effective, long-term business practices stem from fundamental principles, not fads or trends. Our executive participants have transformational experiences that turn them into more empowered, impactful leaders

Contact Information

The University of Chicago

Chicago Booth Executive Education
450 N. Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, IL 60611

312 464 8732

312 464 8769

Booth School of Business

One Bartholomew Close
Barts Square
London EC1A 7BL
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 207 070 2200
+44(0) 207 070 2250
Booth School of Business

168 Victoria Road
Mount Davis
Hong Kong

852 2533 9500
852 2533 9573

Primary Representative

Meena Wehrs