IHM Business School


Stockholm, Sweden

IHM Business School offers open courses, advanced educational programmes and company-specific learning programmes. The range of programmes is aimed at both companies and individual professionals seeking ways to improve their business acumen. The subjects span between marketing & sales, leadership, management, communications, finance and business economics.

IHM Business School started 1966 as a complement to the more traditional academic eduation at the Gothenburg School of Economics. The academic institutions at the time did not adress the current educational needs in industry and trade. In the 60s, Swedish companies faced deregulation and global competition, which put pressure on staff and management teams to develop a more customer-oriented approach in their businesses. Working professionals and managers needed to strengthen their business acumen while remaining on the job and IHM was created to help them in this endeavour .

Today, more than 50 years later, IHM Business School is still dedicated to increasing the competitiveness of the Swedish trade and industry. We blend practice, theory and digital learning elements to make the education as relevant and effective as possible for working professionals.

All courses and programmes available at the campuses in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö are held in Swedish. Many courses and programmes are also availible online. Company customized learning is available in English.

IHM Business School is recognized by a public agency as a provider of university level learning outcomes. It is a private, independent school that is wholly owned by the non-profit foundation IHM.

Contact Information

IHM Business School

Warfvinges Väg 39
Box 30163
S-104 25 Stockholm

+46 8 657 00 00

+46 8 657 00 01

Gothenburg Campus

Fabriksgatan 21-25
Box 5273
S-402 25 Gothenburg

+46 31 335 20 00
+46 31 40 64 83
Malmoe Campus

Vaestergatan 33
S-211 21 Malmoe

+46 40 601 23 00
+46 40 601 23 33

Primary Representative

Mats Engström

Secondary Representative

Therese Bolin