UNICON Leadership Academy Webinar

Find out more about the 10th UNICON Leadership Academy.

Join Peter Methot, Associate Dean, Executive Education, Rutgers Business School, who will lead an informative Zoom meeting on March 20th.

The UNICON Leadership Academy is an eight-month development program designed specifically for university-based executive education professionals seeking to transition into leadership roles within member schools. The Academy is designed for individuals seeking T-shaped leadership development within the Executive Education industry and Director-level leaders, with two years of University experience.

The Academy is geared towards analyzing the Business Model proposition and is fully integrated into the UNICON Leadership Academy at Johns Hopkins University. The program will include teamwork, projects, webinars, mentoring, individual development planning, peer coaching, and an in-person session to coincide with the annual team conference.

Fill out the form below to sign up for the webinar. You will receive an email with details to join.


Contact Taryn Streed with any questions about the Leadership Academy or the Webinar. See more information here or visit the UNICON YouTube channel and view recent informational webinars.